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  • Man Hospitalized after Train Crash in Bakersfield

Man Hospitalized after Train Crash in Bakersfield

Male Pedestrian Injured in Bakersfield Train Accident at Laguna Seca Way and Oswell Street

Bakersfield, California (January 24, 2020) – A train versus pedestrian collision was reported in East Bakersfield on Thursday night, according to authorities.

For reasons still under investigation, a man was hit by a train at around 8:00 p.m. on January 23.

Emergency crews along with medical personnel responded to the scene at the intersection of Laguna Seca Way and Oswell Street. The medics took the man to the hospital for treatment of leg injuries.

Additional information concerning this crash was not released.

An investigation is underway.

A person on foot is no match for a vehicle. Pedestrians have virtually no protection when they are hit by cars, motorcycles, trucks, and other vehicles. Sadly, this often leads to catastrophic injuries and/or death. “Due to the incredibly serious nature of these types of injuries, pedestrian accident cases often require special care in order to help ensure victims receive the full compensation they need for extensive medical bills, ongoing rehabilitation therapy, in-home care, lost past and future earnings, and numerous other economic and non-economic damages”, Said Arin Khodaverdian, an experienced pedestrian accident attorney. Arin noted that pedestrians, in most instances, have the right-of-way when crossing a street or an intersection. According to Arin, to properly investigate a pedestrian crash and prove negligence, enough resources are required. “A skilled attorney has the resources and will help investigate the accident to determine the party at fault,” Arin said.

If you are hit by a car while walking, you may be entitled to financial compensation and Alpine Law Group can help. Call Mr. Khodaverdian for free consultations 24/7 at 866-773-0222.

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